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Eternal Wedding Vows for Bride and Groom

by Note with Love Team - Jul 16, 2024
Eternal Wedding Vows for Bride and Groom

A wedding unites two people in love; it gives meaning to all the hopes and dreams for a future full of promises. This auspicious occasion marks a beautiful and perfect moment where the bride & groom exchange unique wedding vows to cement their eternal love for each other. Find your favorite one from the wedding vows samples below, be it from the traditional ones or from the religious wedding vows.

Traditional Wedding Vows Samples For Her

  • I [Name], take you, to be my husband, today on our special day with this ring, I vow to be with you always, to love and cherish you no matter what life throws at us. I will always encourage you to continue growing as an individual and hold your hand as we move toward a better and brighter future for us. You are my true love and the only man I love. I stand with you as your best friend and wife, promising to always be by your side through the good and bad; to give you love, and honesty, together with commitment forever.
  • I [Name], take you, to be my husband, I start my life with the man of my dreams; I am happy beyond words as I see all our dreams unfold and become reality. As we stand here in love and honor, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for loving and putting your faith in me. You have encouraged me to grow into a better and more confident woman. I'm lucky to have found such a perfect person to spend the rest of my life with; I promise to love you forever.
  • I [Name], take you, to be my husband, I promise to give you my hand and build our future together. My life is a safe haven and the way you love me makes me feel safe, warm, and confident. No matter what may come our way, we will overcome it all with each other's support and love. The joy and adventures you bring into my life are the most beautiful feeling I ever experienced. I will always love you and I promise myself to you completely.
  • I [Name], take you, to be my husband, with my whole heart; to love, cherish, and treasure forever. I promise to be faithful during the best of times and the worst of times. The love we share is the best gift you have given me. I will always be by your side as we go forward. I also promise to always encourage and hold your hand. These words are not mere wedding vows, but my heartfelt words to you. 
  • I [Name], take you, to be my husband, my wedding vows stand true today and forever, as I give you my heart and my trust. There is no one else I'd want to build a life with and I promise to love you loyally and fiercely for as long as I shall live. May our home always be filled with laughter and joy. 

Traditional Wedding Vows Samples For Him

  • I [Name], solemnly take thee, to be my wedded wife, you have been my forever friend, you are the love of my life. I am a better person and feel happier when we are together. Life with you is beautiful, fun, and meaningful. I am truly blessed to be a part of your life and I fall in love with you daily. I cannot wait to start my life with you, my beautiful wife.
  • I [Name], pledge to take you, to be my wife, my one true love; through all the uncertainties of life, you have given me the strength and encouragement to go on. My love, for better or worse, I vow to be my best for us and our life together. 
  • I [Name], promise to take you, to be my wife, I have never felt so good and at peace until I met you, my darling. Today, I pledge to you my life forever. I promise to love you till my dying breath, to cherish and trust you. You are precious to me,q my guiding star.
  • I [Name], earnestly take you, to be my wife, I promise to be the best husband to you; to hold, treasure, and protect you from today till forever. I will willingly always go the extra mile to see a smile on your beautiful face. You will always be first and above everyone and everything. 
  • I [Name], take you, to be my wife, as we start our new journey today in front of God and our loved ones, I am pledging my eternal love for you. You make my heart skip a beat and your smile keeps me going through every challenge I face. I promise to be the man who will always make you happy and proud. 

Romantic Wedding Vows For Her

  • You are my love, my inspiration, and my everything. I knew it was you from the moment we met. No matter what, know that I am always here to support you and be by your side. I vow to cherish you and always be true to you.
  • I want to laugh and grow old with you. All I have in this world I give to you, the man of my dreams. From this day forward, let us build a life together filled with love, laughter, and joy. To you, I promise my constant devotion forever. 
  • You are the most handsome man I ever met, and I feel blessed to be your wife. My days are filled with love and bliss because of you. I cannot thank you enough for all the happiness and love you give me, in return, I give you my hand, my love, and my life. 
  • This day, as we become one; I promise that with these wedding vows, I will always be by your side and forever hold you in my heart. Every day my love for you grows stronger and stronger. I belong to you forever. 
  • Today, in our wedding ceremony, where we stand before God, I promise to hold our precious love safe forever. You are the reason I wake up every day, and you are my only reason for happiness. You are someone I can put my trust in. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Romantic Wedding Vow Sample For Him

  • My beautiful queen, you are my sun, my moon, my universe. You are the brightest star that shines in my sky. You are meaning to my life. Today, I take the opportunity to pledge my love and dedicate my whole life to you.
  • Your love completes me in ways I never knew. I will always hold your hand and promise to be by your side. Your love and trust make me a better person every day. I am madly and hopelessly in love with you!
  • Today, as we are surrounded by all of our loved ones, I choose you to be my wife. I vow to always cherish and love you. I promise to support you and trust you. The love we share will keep growing with each passing day. I give you my love.
  • To the girl I lost my heart and soul to, I wish to seal our love with this kiss. I want you to know that no matter what happens tomorrow, as long as you are by my side, I can conquer it all. The love I see in your eyes helps me get through the worst days of my life. My love, you are forever my one and only.
  • I enter into this life with you without fear or confusion, but with a clear and trusting heart filled with hopes and dreams for us. I promise to be your friend and confidant, looking out for you and keeping you safe in every way. You have been the driving force that keeps me sane and focused. I love you with all of me.

Simple Wedding Vows For Her

  • I vow to love you today and forever. I will always respect you and what we have. Wherever our journey leads us, I will always hold your hand and be right next to you. You have been my guiding light.
  • On this day, may these wedding vows I penned down for you, my love, tell you how much I love and cherish you for all the days of my life. You are my eternal love, who I want to grow old with.
  • Our love is unshakable and true. I promise to be always faithful and supportive. I will love you fiercely every day that I live; walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. With a pure and true heart; I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend. 
  • I pledge my undying love to you, my darling. I will listen with understanding and trust you completely. I promise to grow with you in love; moreover, share and support your hopes and dreams.
  • In the presence of our family and friends who have graced our wedding ceremony, I want to promise my love through these wedding vows. You are the best thing that happened to me; I will continue to choose you time after time.

Simple Wedding Vows For Him

  • My beautiful bride, you leave me spellbound with your simplicity and grace. You have helped me by tenderly holding my hand through all the challenges life threw my way. The good times we spend together are the best. I promise to be yours forever and ever.
  • I promise to nurture the love we have with all my heart and soul. The best days of our lives are yet to come and I am excited that I will have you by my side making beautiful memories. 
  • I promise to love you eternally and always be loyal. To hold your hand when times get rough and cold. As we continue to grow in our lives together, you are the one I wish to be with forever.
  • You are the love of my life, and one lifetime with you would never be enough. I promise to stay by your side as your faithful husband in joy and in sorrow. I promise you this with all my heart. 
  • I take my place as your husband with trust, love, understanding, and respect forever. My heart is full of undying love for you and I will always cherish our union.

Religious Wedding Vows For Him And Her

Christian Wedding Vows

  • I, [Name] promise to take thee, [Name], to be my [wife/husband],I promise to be true to you in good times, also in bad, in sickness, and in health.I will love you as well as honor you all the days of my life.I, [Name] take this ring as a sign of my love and devotion in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
  • I, [Name], tie the knot with, [Name], for my lawful and loving wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
  • I [Name] solemnly take you [Name] to be my wife/husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death we do part, according to God’s holy law. In the presence of God, I undertake this vow.

Buddhist Wedding Vows

Today at our wedding ceremony, we promise to dedicate ourselves completely to each other with our body, mind, and speech. In every situation of life, in wealth or poverty, health or sickness, in happiness or difficulty, we will help each other to develop our hearts and minds, cultivating compassion, generosity, patience, ethics, concentration, enthusiasm, and wisdom. As we go through the various ups and downs of life, we will seek to transform them into the path of love, compassion, joy, and serenity. The purpose of our bond will be to attain enlightenment by perfecting our kindness and compassion towards all beings.

Muslim Wedding Vows

  • I, [Name], come forward to you in marriage with the instructions of the Holy Quran and our Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. 
  •  I, [Name], offer to be your [wife/ husband], with the vow to make our marriage a happy one, enriched always with Allah’s help, His Bounty, and All-knowing love, for all the years of our lives.

Hindu Wedding Vows

With our first step, we will provide for and care for each other. With our second step, we will develop, physical and spiritual strength. With our third step, we will share worldly possessions. In our fourth step, we will pledge to gather knowledge, happiness, and peace. With the fifth step, I give my word that we will nurture strong and righteous children. With our sixth step, I promise we will enjoy the fruits of all seasons. With our seventh step, we will always remain friends and cherish each other.”

Non-religious Wedding Vows

  • I, [Name], promise to take you, [Name] to be my husband, to go in with all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. I give my word of honor to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today.
  • I, [Name], pledge to take you, [Name], to be my wife, to partake in all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. I promise to never leave your side, come what may.
  • I,[Name], willingly take you, [Name], loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your love for me, through all our years.

Lighthearted Vows

  • This ring is a symbol of how you’ve got me wrapped around your finger.
  • To love each other, even when we hate each other. This is forever.
  • I vow to always let you have the last Oreo.
  • Let's say our I do's and drive each other crazy!
  • I vow to love you even when you're old and still watching Tom and Jerry!

Short Wedding Vows For Her

  • The first time I saw you, my heart knew “he’s the one.” 
  • I look forward to falling in love with you over and over each day. I know you are my everything.
  • I promise to love you till my last breath, I’d choose to be your wife every time.
  • You are my first, my last, and my everything.

Short Wedding Vows For Him

  • I promise to surprise you, make you laugh, and help you with your every aspiration.
  • I vow to risk everything for you and to be the man you love.
  • You are the best part of me, my wife, I give you everything I have and everything I am
  • I vow to be the husband you’ve always dreamed of having; to always love and to never leave.


If you are not finding the perfect words to pen down your feelings for the vows, take some inspirations from here and think about your love for your partner. Don't stress cause there's no right word for a wedding vow.

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