

Sorry for dirtying up your desk with coffee. I’ll tidy it up immediately.
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I am so sorry I couldn’t answer the phone when you called. Sorry for the last-minute cancellation on you. Something came up.
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Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the earlier incident. My bad! Can we talk about it and clear things up?
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I am truly sorry for how I behaved last time. I’m sorry if I came across as rude. There was no intention of doing so on my part. I am sorry for hurting you.

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I am so sorry for getting involved in this argument. I apologize for acting insensitively and failing to treat you with respect. Can we talk about it and figure this out?

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I am sorry

I am so sorry for the silly mistake. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help resolve the issue and win back the project.
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I want to accept accountability for my deeds and take the necessary steps to put things right.
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So sorry for the error I made in the task file. I am aware that it had detrimental effects on the team and the project.
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I apologize for interrupting your speech at today’s meeting; I will make certain that this does not happen again.

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I’m writing to apologize for missing the trip.

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Boyfriend or Husband

I apologize for my hurtful words and actions. You mean everything to me, and I will go to any length to reconcile the differences between us. I hope you can forgive me.
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I know it will take some time for you to trust me again, but please know that I am dedicated to mending fences and mending our relationship. I love you beyond words, and I am really sorry.
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My sweetheart, I am truly sorry for my actions and the pain they have caused you. I’m so sorry for what I did; I never meant to hurt you.
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I deeply regret hurting you. Sorry; I was wrong. From now on, I’ll try to be a more considerate and understanding partner. Please forgive me.

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My dear, I want you to know how deeply I regret what I did. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. I apologize and accept full ownership of my actions.

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Girlfriend or Wife

I’m so sorry for the suffering I have caused, and I can’t even imagine how I’d live my life without you. Please forgive me, and let’s work to strengthen our relationship.
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You are the love and light of my life, and I never want to hurt you again. I swear to make it up to you in any way I can, and I’ll make sure to let you know every single day how much you mean to me.
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My love, I know that saying sorry won’t be enough to take away the hurt I have caused you. Please know that I am truly sorry for my behavior.
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To my dearest, please accept my heartfelt apologies for causing you pain. What I did was wrong. I’m hoping we can work together to repair our relationship. I love you above all else, and I deeply regret what I did.

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I sincerely apologize for my behavior and the suffering I have brought you. I am truly sorry for what I said or did; it was never my intention to hurt you. 

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I apologize if I’ve caused anyone any suffering or harm. I love you guys and care about our family and want to fix things for us.
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To my cherished family, I sincerely apologize for not always being the best version of myself. Please know that I absolutely love you all and am dedicated to doing better and regaining your trust. I’m sorry.
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I’m sorry; I realize I was in error. Hope we can continue to grow in understanding and empathy.
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I apologize for my actions. Please accept my apology, and let’s work to make our family closer.

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I truly apologize for all the hurtful words. More than anything, I cherish our friendship and would never intentionally hamper it.
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I am extremely sorry for any confusion. I hope we can put this behind us because I value you a lot.
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I apologize for how my actions have affected you. Truly sorry for being away when you needed me the most. I promise to improve as a friend and do my best to show you how much I treasure and value our friendship.
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I regret what I said and did. I never intended to hurt you; you are a dear friend.

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I am really sorry for that day, buddy. I sincerely hope you will accept my apology and allow us to continue our friendship as stronger friends.

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Longer messages

I sincerely apologize for lying to you. Regretting it terribly. I understand I betrayed your trust and caused you emotional damage. I want to make things right, and I’m willing to go to any lengths to win your trust back.
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I am so sorry for lying to you. Already regretting it. Please be assured that I value our relationship and am committed to being honest with you moving forward.
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I am sorry for hurting you. And for not telling you the whole truth. I know that trust is the keystone of any healthy relationship, and I am also aware that I have called that trust into question. Today, I promise to be open and sincere with you moving forward, and I want to re-establish our partnership on solid ground.
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I’m writing this to express my heartfelt regret for the error that occurred during the product delivery. It was a mistake on my part, and I regret it caused problems for our company. Please give me a second chance to earn your forgiveness and trust.
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Please accept my sincerest apology for the error that occurred during the product delivery. Please give me a second chance to earn your trust back.
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I sincerely apologize for the last few weeks’ subpar work performance. I have failed to meet deadlines and deliver reports on time, which has caused me to lose some dependable clients.
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I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or annoyance my behavior may have caused you. I’m hoping we can put this behind us and proceed in a constructive and positive way.
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I want to say that I’m sorry for my errors and that I’ll do everything in my power to avoid making the same mistakes again. I’m hoping that our collaboration will be productive going forward.
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I apologize for any confusion or error that may have occurred in my work. I want to accept full responsibility for the fact that my actions may have added to the team’s workload. Please be assured that I will work hard to correct my errors and move forward with quality work.
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“I’m sorry I was awful. I’m so full of terrors.”― The Sacred And Profane Love Machine by Iris Murdoch
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“Would ‘sorry’ have made any difference? Does it ever? It’s just a word. One word against a thousand actions.”― Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler
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“But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. […] True sorrow is as rare as true love.” ― Carrie by Stephen King
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Trending in Notes

I hope your day is as fabulous as you are! Much love and many smooches.
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I am thankful beyond words that fate brought us together. Happy Birthday My friend!
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I may have taken you for granted at times, and things may have been tense or uncomfortable recently. But I do want you to know how much I value you and how happy I am to have you in my life. This Thanksgiving I am thankful that I have you.
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Happy birthday to the beautiful, intelligent, charming person I call my best friend!
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A special birthday wish for the special one of my life. May all your wishes come true.
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