
Funny Graduation Messages

Finally, your diploma has arrived! The days of pulling all-nighters are finally over, and “I can’t, I have a 9-5” can now be your new go-to phrase to scrap the plan.
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Major kudos to your graduating from university! You’ve come so far, and now all I see is you shining your light over the depressingly empty town of your critic.
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May your coming years be much brighter than it was during the all-nighters you pulled to get that graduate cap on.
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Hopefully, you won’t ever have to finish a paper the night before it is due. Enjoy your Grad-cap, by the way!
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May your career path be as enthralling as the final page of a whodunnit novel. Cause No more sweatpants, only a suit-and-tie is real.
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It’s time to leave the “student” life in the past, Mr. Graduate. I hope you have fun as the days go by until you become an “adult paying taxes”.
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Let’s raise a glass in celebration of finishing your academic career! The time has come to barter your notebooks for a pint.
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Kudos on finishing school! Let’s party like it’s 1999... or perhaps just 2023.
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Gratz on your graduation! Now that you’ve earned your diploma, hopefully, you can start acting like an adult—or at least pretend to.
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Many congratulations on officially joining the “real world” club. Also, good luck in your search for a 9-5.
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Well done on putting the “pro” back in procrastination!
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So, we finally graduate today. Now that we must begin repaying our never-ending student loans, do we wish we had chosen a somewhat more practical major? Jokes apart, congrats, my friend.
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Kudos on your successful completion! I hope your future doesn’t have as many “Oops!” moments as your finals did. May your “champion of napping” status remain unchanged.
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Trending in Notes

I hope your day is as fabulous as you are! Much love and many smooches.
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I am thankful beyond words that fate brought us together. Happy Birthday My friend!
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I may have taken you for granted at times, and things may have been tense or uncomfortable recently. But I do want you to know how much I value you and how happy I am to have you in my life. This Thanksgiving I am thankful that I have you.
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Happy birthday to the beautiful, intelligent, charming person I call my best friend!
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A special birthday wish for the special one of my life. May all your wishes come true.
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